Monday, July 8, 2013

First week in Europe

Here are some photos from our first week here in Europe. We have been in Portugal, and it has been really hot and humid. But we are surviving - just. 

Friday, June 28, 2013

Expressions Night, and Graduation

This last weekend was graduation weekend. And I Graduated!!! So good.... It is kind of a strange feeling to know that I am done with high school, and that I won't be starting another year of it in August. But by all means, it is a good feeling! 
Here are just a few pictures from expressions night, and grad Sunday.

Three generations. Joel was my candle partner, and I was mildred's candle partner.

 Mildred was my candle partner

Friday, June 7, 2013

Fun with HDR

This morning I took Pipi for a walk, and I had a chance to play around a little bit with HDR on my iPhone. They are nothing to impressive, but they are kinda cool. 

Thursday, May 9, 2013


A couple of weekends ago, those who wanted to, could go on a camping trip. It was quite the experience, as Nolan, Michael Jensen, and I were all cooking together. We had some interesting meals, but it was a blast.

The tall wooden pole were for a TP. We made it because it started raining, and then we wrapped a tarp around the poles.